Brain Wallet Brut: Hacking Bitcoin wallets using the Brain Wallet vulnerability

Brain Wallet Brut: Hacking Bitcoin wallets using the Brain Wallet vulnerability

Read more about the vulnerability HERE

The program is sold as source code for the program in Java. You can freely read and check the code. The sources are completely open, with comments in Russian.

Installation and launch of everything you need is described step by step in the video, in the instructions for the program. Support and answers to any questions on the topic via telegram. Comments/logs/chat/instructions in Brain Wallet Brut in Russian. Everything is as accessible as possible.

How it works:

The application works cyclically.

– Generate automatically or use our own dictionaries.
– Based on the password, we create a master key.
– From the master key we get 3 types of Bitcoin addresses with keys
– We check the received addresses for balance.
– If there is a balance, we receive a success message.
– A new cycle starts. How Brain Wallet Brut

works in detail:
1) You choose where you will get your passwords from. There are many options:

 your files with passwords ready in advance (2 options, with and without mutation) Mutation is a change in the options for recording your password. In the variant with mutation, one password produces about 3000 passwords. Those. To check a one and a half million dictionary, you only need a dictionary of 500 words.

 Don’t have your own dictionaries? It’s not a problem. The program itself will create sets of multi-word passwords according to its own system, in 14 languages ​​(you can add as many languages ​​as you like) and writes each one with 64 spelling options. At the same time, processing Japanese or Arabic, Russian or English differently.
You can also set the proportion of these languages ​​in the final list. And the length of phrases. For example, take half of the passwords in English. a third in Russian, a certain % of Japanese and use only phrases of 4 words, etc.
 the previous version, but without processing. Word combinations are generated. And they are checked as is without spelling mutations.
– Brain Wallet Brut can also generate sets of characters of a given length on its own
 or use your set of files with ready-made sentences. Creates 138 variants of recording each of them. (Sentences mutate differently than phrases) For example, you can break a book into sentences. Quotes from famous books, poems or songs are often used to create passwords.
 or the program immediately generates random keys to wallets
(If you need some other option, your own, for receiving a list of passwords, write in a telegram, I’ll try to add it.) 2) B several threads generate from the received list all options address + password for the Bitcoin network .
(they are suitable for Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash and any Bitcoin forks)

3) Checks the received set of addresses for the balance in Bitcoins.

4) When he finds a positive one , he writes the address + password for it to a file, sends you a letter to the email or telegram you specified with a link to the found addresses. And it continues to work…
Very convenient. We receive email messages on your phone while Brain Wallet Brut is working somewhere far from you. Sending to email and telegram can be disabled. The program does not need the Internet to work.

Brain Wallet Brut works on the principle of setting it up once, launching it, and that’s it. Stable, for weeks. It writes to the console what exactly it is doing right now, you can watch the chat, and logs important messages to a file in case of a sudden meteorite fall.

Brain Wallet Brut: Hacking Bitcoin wallets using the Brain Wallet vulnerability

Setup: Described in detail in the README. Nothing complicated. I also explain everything in detail in the telegram.
The operating logic of Brain Wallet Brut is completely customizable; for example, you can set 100,000 files with passwords. She will process them one by one, when they run out she will switch to random generation. Or immediately turn it on for random generation. Or specify in the telegram exactly what you need, I will do it, all you have to do is click “Start”.

Performance: Depends on the number of cores of your processor and their frequency. Approximately 2500 addresses per core per second. Accordingly, if you have 32 cores, then there will be 80,000 addresses per second or ~7 billion addresses per day. The more powerful your car, the faster it will be. The Internet doesn’t spam. Brain Wallet Brut works locally and does not require internet. The CPU load is adjusted in %. It can work quietly in the background without interfering with anything at all.

Finally, some examples of what you can find with Brain Wallet Brut .

vote – 0.0017 BTC
zoo association – 0.01038281 BTC
Sergey – 0.0095 BTC
试试看 – 0.001 BTC
潇潇雨 – 1.001 BTC
吸烟有害健康 – 0.01 BTC
correct horse battery staple – 15.94334851 BTC
god – 0.3083699 BTC
wallet – 30.28128 BTC
Bitcoin – 0.28163155 BTC
allyouneedislove – 0.5 BTC
1ByNbshPviZXUonDcB3ovaNJgtd6YUkDMQ say hello to my little friend
1J3m4nneGFppRjx6qv92qyz7EsMVdLfr8R to be or not to be
14n9rSujGvLE2u4eGFeEQDjxu5sELBN863 Walk Into This Room
1DRs3YDAwoXSTi4FQN 89aoy17aQ7i5Cqo3 party like it’s 1999
17aWwsQEhTcnQ68F4sEPAwLjKK37Y2r3Hf yohohoandabottleofrum

The biggest theft using Brain Wallet Brut, occurred in November 2012. It took hackers only 36 seconds to steal 500 bitcoins from the wallet 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE The password for the brain wallet was: bitcoin is awesome

Answers to the most popular questions:
1) Brain Wallet Brut bruts existing addresses with a balance from the Bitcoin blockchain. With its help, you can also brute a single address or several at once. And you won’t need the Internet for this.
2) It differs from its competitors not only in its enormous speed, but also in the fact that it is a combine harvester. You don’t just run through a file of passwords. From a file of 1000 passwords, Brain Wallet Brut automatically creates several million options for recording them. And the auto-generation of phrases and their mutation into thousands of different spellings will add those variants that are not in any available dictionary. Which dramatically increases your chances compared to those who simply brute-force using ready-made databases, by many orders of magnitude.
For example, you just need to give one password vasya , and the options
VaSyA …..

and about 3000 more popular recording methods will be entered and checked automatically.
3) There is no connection to the car. You are free to transfer, reinstall or copy Brain Wallet Brut .
4) Hardware requirements: any machine capable of running Windows or Linux.

Brain Wallet Brut: Hacking Bitcoin wallets using the Brain Wallet vulnerability

You can practice manually here:
Enter the phrase. You get two wallets (there should be 3 of them, but this site is old and doesn’t know about Segwit (addresses that start with bc1…) Brain Wallet Brut knows.
Check here .. substituting the received addresses into the browser line.

Try space, dot, password, bitcoin, test, 12345, etc.

Even with the simplest passwords, you can find a couple of addresses manually. Usually they have already been found before you. That is why you need complex passwords. Lots of passwords.

Brain Wallet Brut
+ all subsequent updates
+ technical support
sold for only $100.

Updates and wishes are finalized free of charge for all buyers.

Useful information for enthusiasts:

Contact me via Telegram: @ExploitDarlenePRO

via the link: