Solving Discrete Logarithm Problems with the Willow Chip


The Willow quantum machine is a new quantum chip developed by Google that was unveiled in December 2024. The chip marks a major step forward in quantum computing due to its high performance and ability to solve complex problems that classical computers cannot solve.

Key features of Willow:

  • Number of qubits : Willow is made up of 105 qubits, which are the basic building blocks of quantum computing. Qubits can be in a state of 0, 1, or a superposition of the two, allowing for multiple calculations to be performed simultaneously.
  • Speed : Willow can solve problems septillion times faster than the most powerful classical supercomputer. For example, it completed a task in 5 minutes that would take a classical computer 10 septillion years (that’s a number with 25 zeros) [2][3][8].

Key achievements:

  • Error correction : Willow uses an error correction method that reduces the probability of failures as the number of qubits increases. This means that the more qubits are involved, the fewer logical errors occur [1][3][6].
  • Overcoming the challenges : The developers claim that they have overcome the key problem of quantum computing – qubit instability and high error rates. This achievement opens up new possibilities for practical applications of quantum computers in areas such as medicine and artificial intelligence [5][7].

Potential Uses : Although the problem solved does not yet have any practical application, Google hopes that quantum computing technologies can help develop new drugs, more efficient batteries, and solve problems in the field of nuclear fusion [3][4].

The Willow chip thus represents a significant breakthrough in quantum technology and could become the foundation for future advances in computing power and problem solving.

Google’s Willow quantum chip, with 105 qubits, represents a major step in quantum computing and can solve complex problems such as the discrete logarithm. The discrete logarithm is a mathematical problem that is the basis for many cryptographic systems. Quantum computers like Willow can significantly speed up the solution of this problem due to their unique properties.

Key Features of the Willow Quantum Chip

  1. Qubits : Willow consists of 105 qubits that can be in a superposition state, allowing it to process many calculations simultaneously.
  2. Error correction : The chip uses advanced error correction techniques to reduce the likelihood of computational failures as the number of qubits increases. This is critical for reliable operation of quantum systems 4 .
  3. Computing speed : Willow has demonstrated the ability to solve problems that would take classical supercomputers 10 septillion years to complete. For example, it completed a task in 5 minutes 6 .

Application in solving the discrete logarithm problem

Quantum computers can use Shor’s algorithm to solve the discrete logarithm problem. This algorithm allows one to efficiently find logarithms in finite fields, which is impossible to do in a reasonable time using classical methods. The main advantages of using Willow for this problem are:

  • Speed : Due to its architecture and number of qubits, Willow can significantly speed up the computation process compared to traditional methods.
  • Efficiency : Using error correction allows to increase the accuracy of calculations and reduce the number of errors when performing operations 5 .

Prospects and Challenges

Despite the impressive results, quantum computer developers face significant challenges. They need to learn how to connect logical qubits into networks and perform complex operations on them to achieve practical applications of quantum technologies in real-world problems 6 . It is also important to note that although Willow demonstrates outstanding results in tests, its practical applications in cryptography and other areas still require additional research and development. Thus, the Willow quantum chip opens new horizons for solving complex problems such as the discrete logarithm and may become the basis for future breakthroughs in quantum computing and cryptography.
