ETH token Checker / Address scanner for all ETH networks


ETH token Checker / Address scanner for all ETH networks
ETH token Checker / Address scanner for all ETH networks
ETH token Checker / Address scanner for all ETH networks

How it works:
There are several launch options in the program menu:

0) Generates a random Seed, receives from it the number of addresses you specify
and checks each address for ether and all existing tokens.
You can choose one of 4 generation languages ​​(English, French, Japanese, Spanish) or a random language for each new phrase

1) randomly generates an address + key and checks
these addresses online for ether and all existing tokens.

2) Reads the list of addresses you provided in the file and checks them
for ether and all existing tokens. The input file can be of any size.

3) and 4) You specify the HEX starting point from which the sequential search
of keys begins up or down the list. And checks every address.

5) Reads from the file and checks your list of seeds.

The program checks the addresses of the Ethereum network for the presence of all known types of tokens/airdrops/contracts
Immediately shows the balance of the address across all networks, taking into account the cost of tokens, in dollars at the exchange rate
. When it finds a balance greater than the specified one, it saves the address+key+Seed in a separate text file/ writes in chat/telegram.

Verification speed ~100 addresses per second. Depends on API restrictions

In the screenshot:
In the example, the scanner checks the file “11.txt” of 718 lines in size and finds 2 non-empty addresses
1st contains 0.0002 ETH and tokens worth $0.25 used in transactions on the same network
2nd contains 0 ETH and tokens worth 111.80 $ was used in 7 networks
, after each successful finding it writes the result to a file and sends a message to the telegram bot.

The type of result output may change as new versions are developed.
Does not consume resources. Works on any minimal hardware configuration, with any OS.
The program comes with a detailed step-by-step README.txt for installation/launch.

IMPORTANT! For the program to work, you will need to additionally purchase an API key

ETH token Checker / Ethereum Address Scanner
+ all subsequent updates
+ technical support
are sold for only $100

Updates and wishes are finalized free of charge for all buyers.

Useful information for enthusiasts:

Contact me via Telegram: @ExploitDarlenePRO

via the link: