How to get a Telegram API bot token

How to get a Telegram API bot token

A quick way to create a bot in Telegram. You can find more detailed information on the official website.
Creating and Configuring a Bot
If you don’t want to write the code yourself, you can use a bot named “@botfarther” to help you create and configure a bot. Here are four simple steps:

Step 1: Find the bot “@botfarther” in the Telegram app.

How to get a Telegram API bot token

Step 2: Send it “/help” and you will see all the possible commands that the bot can control.

How to get a Telegram API bot token

Step 3. To create a new bot, send “/newbot” or click on this text.

Follow the bot instructions to create a new bot. Typically you will be asked to choose a name and a unique username for your bot.
If you are creating a bot just for experimentation then the name must be unique, you can use your bot’s namespace by placing your name before it in the username.
By the way, his pseudonym could be anything.

How to get a Telegram API bot token

Step 4. After completing the bot setup, you will be given an access token.
This token is the key to controlling your bot and interacting with the Telegram API.

Congratulations! You have just created your Telegram bot. You will see a new API token generated for it.

In the example above it is 270485614: AAHfiqksKZ8WmR2zSjiQ7_v4TMAKdiHm9T0

Copy your API token.

If you need more detailed information, you can find it on the official Telegram website.

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