It first converts the private key to a byte array, then creates an ECDSA signature object using the private key


Sure, here’s a Python script that creates a Bitcoin raw transaction using a private key in hexadecimal format:

import hashlib
import base58
import ecdsa

# Private key in hexadecimal format
private_key_hex = "18e14a7b6a307f426a94f8114701e7c8e774e7f9a47e2c2035db29a206321725"

# Convert the private key from hexadecimal to bytes
private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex)

# Create a Bitcoin address from the private key
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
public_key = b"\x04" + vk.to_string()
public_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(public_key).digest()
ripemd160 ='ripemd160')
address = b"\x00" + ripemd160.digest()
address = base58.b58encode(address)
print(f"Bitcoin Address: {address.decode()}")

# Create a raw transaction
# Replace the following values with your desired inputs and outputs
inputs = [
        "txid": "0x7e9f4c6c2d7e5e3ab9db9a5b3c2c1909d8f0d2d7c8e2db198c23e7d8d7e9aa0c",
        "vout": 0,
        "scriptSig": "",
        "amount": 0.001

outputs = [
        "address": address.decode(),
        "amount": 0.0009

raw_tx = ""
for i, input in enumerate(inputs):
    raw_tx += input["txid"]
    raw_tx += "%08x" % input["vout"]
    raw_tx += "00"  # Empty scriptSig for now

for output in outputs:
    amount = int(output["amount"] * 100000000)
    raw_tx += "%08x" % amount
    raw_tx += "0014"  # OP_PUSH 20 bytes
    raw_tx += hashlib.sha256(base58.b58decode(output["address"])).digest().hex()

raw_tx += "00000000"  # locktime
print(f"Raw Transaction: {raw_tx}")

# Sign the raw transaction
for i, input in enumerate(inputs):
    script_sig = b""
    script_sig += b"\x01"  # SIGHASH_ALL
    script_sig += sk.sign_digest_deterministic(
    script_sig += b"\x21" + private_key_bytes
    raw_tx = (raw_tx[:i * 148 + 36] +
              script_sig.hex() +
              raw_tx[i * 148 + 36 + len(script_sig.hex()):])

print(f"Signed Raw Transaction: {raw_tx}")

This script does the following:

  1. Imports the necessary libraries: hashlib, base58, and ecdsa.
  2. Defines the private key in hexadecimal format.
  3. Converts the private key from hexadecimal to bytes.
  4. Derives the Bitcoin address from the private key using the ecdsa library.
  5. Defines the transaction inputs and outputs (replace these with your desired values).
  6. Constructs the raw transaction by concatenating the transaction inputs, outputs, and locktime.
  7. Signs the raw transaction using the private key and the ecdsa library.
  8. Prints the Bitcoin address, raw transaction, and signed raw transaction.

Note that this script assumes you have the ecdsa library installed. You can install it using pip install ecdsa.

Also, keep in mind that this script is for educational purposes only and should not be used with real Bitcoin transactions or funds

Creating a Bitcoin RawTX transaction requires some understanding of Bitcoin’s transaction format and the use of cryptographic libraries to sign the transaction with a private key. Here is an example Python script that creates a Bitcoin RawTX transaction using a private hex format key:

import hashlib
import ecdsa

# Set private key in hex format
private_key_hex = "your_private_key_in_hex_format_here"

# Convert private key to bytes
private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex)

# Create an ECDSA signature object
signature = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).get_verifying_key()

# Set the transaction data
tx_data = {
    "version": 1,
    "tx_in": [
            "txid": "your_transaction_id_here",
            "vout": 0,
            "scriptPubKey": "your_public_key_here",
            "sequence": 0xFFFFFFFF
    "tx_out": [
            "value": 0.001,  # 1 satoshi
            "scriptPubKey": "your_receiving_public_key_here"

# Calculate the transaction hash
tx_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(str(tx_data).encode()).digest()).hexdigest()

# Sign the transaction hash with the private key

# Create the RawTX transaction
raw_tx = b""
for tx_in in tx_data["tx_in"]:
    raw_tx += struct.pack("<L", tx_in["txid"].hex())
    raw_tx += struct.pack("<L", tx_in["vout"])
    raw_tx += tx_in["scriptPubKey"].encode()
    raw_tx += struct.pack("<L", tx_in["sequence"])
raw_tx += struct.pack("<L", len(tx_data["tx_out"]))
for tx_out in tx_data["tx_out"]:
    raw_tx += struct.pack("<L", tx_out["value"].hex())
    raw_tx += tx_out["scriptPubKey"].encode()
raw_tx += tx_hash.encode() + signature.signature


This script uses the ecdsa library to create an ECDSA signature object from the private key, and then signs the transaction hash with the private key. The signed transaction hash is then added to the end of the RawTX transaction.

Note that this script is just an example and you should not use it to create a real Bitcoin transaction without proper validation and testing. Additionally, you should keep your private key secure and never share it with anyone.

Also, the tx_data dictionary should be updated to reflect the actual transaction data, such as the transaction ID, output values, and public keys.

Here is a Python script that creates a Bitcoin Raw Transaction using a private hex format key:

import hashlib
import ecdsa
import binascii
import struct

# Set the private key in hex format
private_key_hex = "your_private_key_here"

# Convert the private key to a byte array
private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex)

# Create an ECDSA signature object
signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)

# Get the public key (compressed) in hex format
public_key_hex = binascii.hexlify(signing_key.get_verifying_key().to_string('compressed')).decode('utf-8')

# Set the transaction details
tx_ins = [
        "txid": "your_transaction_id_here",
        "vout": 0,
        "scriptPubKey": "76a914" + public_key_hex + "88ac"

tx_outs = [
        "value": 1.0,  # in BTC
        "scriptPubKey": "76a914" + public_key_hex + "88ac"

tx_fee = 0.0  # in BTC

# Create the transaction header
tx_header = struct.pack("<L", 1)  # version
tx_header += struct.pack("<L", 0)  # input count
tx_header += struct.pack("<L", 1)  # output count
tx_header += struct.pack("<L", 0)  # locktime

# Create the transaction inputs
tx_ins_data = []
for tx_in in tx_ins:
    tx_ins_data.append(struct.pack("<L", int(tx_in["txid"], 16)))
    tx_ins_data.append(struct.pack("<L", tx_in["vout"]))
    tx_ins_data.append(struct.pack("<L", 0))  # sequence number
    tx_ins_data.append(struct.pack("<L", len(tx_in["scriptPubKey"])))

# Create the transaction outputs
tx_outs_data = []
for tx_out in tx_outs:
    tx_outs_data.append(struct.pack("<L", 0))  # value
    tx_outs_data.append(struct.pack("<L", len(tx_out["scriptPubKey"])))

# Create the transaction signature
tx_signature = signing_key.sign(struct.pack("<L" + str(len(tx_ins_data)) + "L" + str(len(tx_outs_data)) + "L", tx_header) + tx_ins_data + tx_outs_data, hashlib.sha256).decode('utf-8')

# Create the raw transaction
raw_tx = tx_header + tx_ins_data + tx_outs_data + struct.pack("<L", len(tx_signature)) + tx_signature.encode("utf-8")


This script creates a Bitcoin Raw Transaction using a private key in hex format. It first converts the private key to a byte array, then creates an ECDSA signature object using the private key. It then sets the transaction details, including the input and output transactions, and creates the transaction header, inputs, and outputs. Finally, it creates the transaction signature using the private key and the transaction data, and assembles the raw transaction.

Note that this script is just an example, and you should replace the placeholders (your_private_key_here, your_transaction_id_here) with your actual private key and transaction ID. Additionally, this script assumes that the transaction is a simple one, with a single input and output, and does not support more complex transactions such as multi-input or multi-output transactions.

Also, keep in mind that this script is for educational purposes only, and you should not use it to create real Bitcoin transactions without proper testing and validation.

Sure, here’s a Python script that creates a Bitcoin raw transaction using a private key in hexadecimal format:

import hashlib
import ecdsa
import base58
import binascii

# Private key in hexadecimal format
private_key_hex = "18e14a7b6a307f426a94f8114701e7c8e774e7f9a47e2c2035db29a206321725"

# Convert private key from hexadecimal to binary
private_key_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(private_key_hex)

# Create a signing key from the private key
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(bytes(private_key_bytes), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)

# Get the public key from the signing key
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
public_key_bytes = b'\x04' + vk.to_string()

# Get the public key hash (Bitcoin address)
public_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(public_key_bytes).digest()
ripemd160 ='ripemd160')
public_key_hash = b'\x00' + ripemd160.digest()
checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(public_key_hash).digest()).digest()[:4]
address = base58.b58encode(public_key_hash + checksum).decode('utf-8')

print(f"Bitcoin address: {address}")

# Create a raw transaction
# Replace the values with your desired inputs and outputs
raw_tx = "01000000016c6c3f9e8f0b7c8d8b775e9b3a0c5f7c9e1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f010000006a473044022050c7f7f8b41d9a8f8f1a5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f022100c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c812000000000000000000166776a914c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c8c888ac00000000"

# Sign the raw transaction
sig = sk.sign_digest(binascii.unhexlify(raw_tx), sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der_canonize)
signature_bytes = binascii.hexlify(sig) + b'01'

# Replace the signature placeholder in the raw transaction
signed_tx = raw_tx[:10] + bytes.decode(signature_bytes) + raw_tx[138:]

print(f"Signed raw transaction: {signed_tx}")

This script does the following:

  1. Imports the necessary libraries: hashlib for hashing, ecdsa for elliptic curve cryptography operations, base58 for Base58 encoding/decoding, and binascii for converting between binary and hexadecimal representations.
  2. Defines a private key in hexadecimal format.
  3. Converts the private key from hexadecimal to binary.
  4. Creates an ecdsa.SigningKey object from the private key.
  5. Derives the public key from the signing key.
  6. Computes the Bitcoin address from the public key.
  7. Prints the Bitcoin address.
  8. Defines a raw transaction in hexadecimal format (replace this with your desired inputs and outputs).
  9. Signs the raw transaction using the private key.
  10. Replaces the signature placeholder in the raw transaction with the computed signature.
  11. Prints the signed raw transaction.

Note that this script assumes you have the ecdsa and base58 libraries installed. You can install them using pip:

pip install ecdsa base58