“JSON: The JavaScript Object Notation” – D. Crockford, 2017

“JSON: The JavaScript Object Notation” – D. Crockford, 2017

JSON: The JavaScript Object Notation by Douglas Crockford, released in 2017, is an essential resource for anyone working with web technologies and programming. In this volume, Douglas Crockford, known for his contributions to JavaScript, provides a comprehensive overview of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight data interchange format that has become the de facto standard for serializing and transmitting data on the Internet.

History and development of JSON

Crockford begins with the history of JSON. This format was developed by him as an alternative to XML, a more complex and heavy format. JSON was created to simplify the process of working with data, making it more intuitive and easier for JavaScript programmers. However, as Crockford notes, over time JSON has found widespread use not only in JavaScript, but also in other programming languages ​​due to its simplicity and convenience.

Basic Concepts and JSON Structure

Next, the author moves on to explain the JSON structure in detail. It describes its two main components: objects and arrays. Objects in JSON are a collection of key/value pairs, where the key is a string and the value can be a string, a number, an array, another object, or special values ​​(such as null). Arrays are ordered lists of values ​​and can contain any data type allowed in JSON.

Crockford also explains how different data types can be serialized into JSON and how the format provides versatility across a variety of systems and platforms.

Using JSON

The book covers various aspects of using JSON in real projects. Crockford shares case studies showing how JSON simplifies communication between client and server in web applications. He also explores the use of JSON in configuration files, web APIs, and as a format for storing data.

JSON Security and Issues

The book also does not shy away from security issues associated with the use of JSON. Crockford describes common vulnerabilities, such as code injection attacks, and recommends protection techniques, including proper server-side data validation and sanitization.

JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON for short, has become widely used and accepted as a lightweight data interchange format. Its creation is associated with the name of Douglas Crockford, who made a significant contribution to its development and popularization. In 2017, Crockford published his observations and thoughts on JSON, summarizing its features, benefits, and applications.

History and development of JSON

JSON originated from the JavaScript language, but over time it has been supported in many other programming languages. From the very beginning, JSON was intended to be a format that makes data exchange between the server and web applications simple and efficient. Unlike other data exchange formats such as XML, JSON offers a more compact and lightweight structure, making it ideal for use on the Internet.

JSON Basics

The key feature of JSON is that it is a format that is easy to read by both humans and machines. It is based on two data structures: a collection of key/value pairs (in many languages ​​this is implemented as objects, records, structures, dictionaries) and an ordered list of values ​​(implemented as arrays, vectors). Data items in JSON are represented in the key:value format, where the key is a string and the value can be a string, a number, an array, a boolean true or false, null, or another object.

Benefits of JSON

  1. Lightweight and speedy: Thanks to its compact structure, JSON significantly speeds up data processing and transmission.
  2. Readability: The JSON format is easy to read and understand by both developers and programs.
  3. Language independence: JSON is supported by many programming languages, making it a universal format for data interchange.
  4. Ease of Use: Working with JSON in JavaScript and many other programming languages ​​is intuitive and easy.

Areas of application of JSON

JSON is used in a variety of areas related to data processing and storage. This could be web development, mobile applications, configuration files, data exchange between systems and much more. Its lightweight and simplicity make it an ideal choice for developing APIs, web services, and real-time applications.


Since its inception, JSON has confidently carved out a niche in the technology world as a standard for data exchange on the Internet. Douglas Crockford, who made significant contributions to the development and popularization of this format, emphasized the importance of JSON in modern programming in his 2017 review.

In the conclusion of “JSON: The JavaScript Object Notation,” the author emphasizes the importance of JSON in modern web development and its role in promoting open standards and simplifying development processes. Douglas Crockford’s book is not just a guide to using JSON, but also a source of in-depth knowledge on how to effectively work with data on the Internet.

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