Private Key: Replace ‘your_private_key_hex_here’ with your actual private key in hexadecimal format.


Here is a Python script that creates a Bitcoin RawTX transaction using a private hex format key:

import hashlib
import ecdsa
import base58
import binascii

# Set the private key in hex format
private_key_hex = "your_private_key_hex_here"

# Set the recipient's Bitcoin address
recipient_address = "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"

# Set the transaction amount in satoshis
amount_satoshis = 10000

# Set the transaction fee in satoshis
fee_satoshis = 1000

# Set the input UTXO (unspent transaction output)
input_utxo = {
    "tx_id": "your_utxo_tx_id_here",
    "vout": 0,
    "script_pub_key": "your_utxo_script_pub_key_here",
    "amount_satoshis": 20000

# Create a Bitcoin ECDSA signature
def create_ecdsa_signature(private_key_hex, hash):
    private_key_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(private_key_hex)
    signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    signature = signing_key.sign(hash)
    return signature

# Create a Bitcoin transaction
def create_raw_transaction(input_utxo, recipient_address, amount_satoshis, fee_satoshis):
    # Create the transaction version and marker/flag
    tx_version = b"\x01\x00\x00\x00"
    marker_flag = b"\x00"

    # Create the input
    tx_in_count = b"\x01"
    tx_in = b"".join([
        bytes.fromhex(input_utxo["tx_id"])[::-1],  # tx_id
        (4).to_bytes(4, "little"),  # vout
        bytes.fromhex(input_utxo["script_pub_key"]),  # script_pub_key
        (0xffffffff).to_bytes(4, "little"),  # sequence

    # Create the output
    tx_out_count = b"\x01"
    tx_out = b"".join([
        (amount_satoshis).to_bytes(8, "little"),  # value
        bytes.fromhex(base58.b58check_to_hex(recipient_address)),  # script_pub_key

    # Create the locktime
    locktime = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"

    # Create the transaction
    tx = tx_version + marker_flag + tx_in_count + tx_in + tx_out_count + tx_out + locktime

    # Calculate the transaction hash
    tx_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(tx).digest()).digest()

    # Create the signature
    private_key_hex = private_key_hex
    signature = create_ecdsa_signature(private_key_hex, tx_hash)

    # Add the signature to the input
    tx_in = b"".join([
        (len(signature) + 1).to_bytes(1, "little"),  # signature length
        bytes([0x30]),  # sighash type

    # Create the final transaction
    tx = tx_version + marker_flag + tx_in_count + tx_in + tx_out_count + tx_out + locktime

    return tx.hex()

# Create the raw transaction
raw_tx = create_raw_transaction(input_utxo, recipient_address, amount_satoshis, fee_satoshis)

print("Raw TX:", raw_tx)

Here’s how the script works:

  1. It sets the private key in hex format, the recipient’s Bitcoin address, the transaction amount and fee in satoshis, and the input UTXO.
  2. It creates a Bitcoin ECDSA signature using the private key and the transaction hash.
  3. It creates a Bitcoin transaction using the input UTXO, recipient address, amount, and fee.
  4. It calculates the transaction hash and adds the signature to the input.
  5. It creates the final raw transaction and prints it in hex format.

Note that this script assumes you have the ecdsa and base58 libraries installed. You can install them using pip install ecdsa base58.

Also, make sure to replace the placeholders (your_private_key_hex_here, your_utxo_tx_id_here, your_utxo_script_pub_key_here) with your actual values.

Creating a Bitcoin raw transaction manually involves several steps, including crafting the transaction structure, signing it with a private key, and then encoding it in a format that can be broadcast to the Bitcoin network. Below, I’ll provide a Python script that demonstrates these steps using the bitcoinlib library. This library simplifies many aspects of Bitcoin scripting and transaction handling.


Before you start, you need to have Python installed on your system along with the bitcoinlib library. You can install this library using pip:

pip install bitcoinlib

Script Explanation

  1. Setup: Initialize the private key and derive the public key and address.
  2. Create Transaction: Define the inputs and outputs.
  3. Sign Transaction: Use the private key to sign the transaction.
  4. Serialize: Convert the transaction into a raw hexadecimal format that can be broadcast to the Bitcoin network.

Complete Python Script

Here’s a script that creates a Bitcoin raw transaction using a private hex format key:

from bitcoinlib.wallets import Wallet, wallet_create_or_open
from bitcoinlib.transactions import Transaction
from bitcoinlib.keys import Key

def create_raw_transaction(private_key_hex, inputs, outputs):
    # Create a wallet with a private key (this does not broadcast or store the wallet)
    key = Key(import_key=private_key_hex)
    wallet = Wallet(wallet_create_or_open('temp_wallet', keys=key, network='bitcoin'))

    # Create a new transaction
    t = Transaction(network='bitcoin')

    # Add inputs (txid, vout, amount)
    for tx_input in inputs:
        t.add_input(prev_hash=tx_input['txid'], output_n=tx_input['vout'], keys=[key.public_hex], amount=tx_input['amount'])

    # Add outputs (address, amount)
    for tx_output in outputs:
        t.add_output(tx_output['address'], tx_output['amount'])

    # Sign the transaction with the private key

    # Return the raw transaction
    return t.as_hex()

# Example usage
private_key_hex = 'your_private_key_hex_here'
inputs = [
    {'txid': 'previous_tx_hash_here', 'vout': 0, 'amount': 50000},
outputs = [
    {'address': 'recipient_btc_address_here', 'amount': 49000},
    # Include a change address if necessary
    {'address': 'change_btc_address_here', 'amount': 1000},

raw_tx = create_raw_transaction(private_key_hex, inputs, outputs)
print("Raw Transaction Hex:", raw_tx)


  1. Private Key: Replace 'your_private_key_hex_here' with your actual private key in hexadecimal format.
  2. Transaction Inputs and Outputs: You need to specify the transaction ID (txid), output index (vout), and amount for each input, and the address and amount for each output. The amount should be in satoshis.
  3. Change Address: Always ensure that if there’s any change left after the outputs and transaction fees, it is sent back to a change address that you control. This is critical to avoid losing Bitcoin.


Make sure you test this script in a testnet environment before using it with real Bitcoin to avoid losing funds due to errors in the transaction construction.

This script provides a basic framework and might need adjustments based on specific requirements and the current state of the blockchain (like adjusting fees, handling multi-inputs/outputs more dynamically, etc.).

Here is a Python script that creates a Bitcoin RawTX transaction using a private hex format key. This script uses the bitcoin library, which you can install using pip install python-bitcoinlib.

import hashlib
import ecdsa
from ecdsa.utils import sigencode_der
from bitcoin import CPrivKey, CScript, CTxOut, CTxIn, CTransaction, hash256
from bitcoin.core import CBlock, COIN

# Private key in hex format
private_key = "your_private_key_here"

# Create a private key object
privkey = CPrivKey()

# Generate a public key
pubkey = privkey.get_public_key()

# Create a transaction
tx = CTransaction()

# Create an input"previous_transaction_hash"), 0, CScript([pubkey.to_string()])))

# Create an output
tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1000000, CScript([b"recipient_address_here"])))

# Sign the transaction[0].scriptSig = CScript([hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(sigencode_der(privkey, sigencode_der.RECDER)).digest()).digest()[1:] + pubkey.to_string()])

# Serialize the transaction
rawtx = tx.serialize()


Please replace "your_private_key_here" with your actual private key in hex format and "previous_transaction_hash" and "recipient_address_here" with the actual hash of the previous transaction and the actual address of the recipient, respectively.

Note that this script is a basic example and does not include error handling or advanced functionality. In a real-world scenario, you would want to add more error handling and possibly use a more secure way to generate the transaction.

Also, keep in mind that this script is for educational purposes only and should not be used to create real transactions without a thorough understanding of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions.

To create a Bitcoin RawTX transaction using a private key in Python, you can use the pybitcointools library. Before you start, make sure to install the library using pip:

pip install pybitcointools

Here’s a script that demonstrates how to create a raw transaction using a private key:

# Import the required libraries
from bitcoin import *
from pybitcointools import *

# Replace with your own private key (WIF format)
priv_key = 'your_private_key_here'  # e.g., ''

# Convert the private key to hex format
private_key_hex = privtohex(priv_key)

# Set the target Bitcoin address (where you want to send the Bitcoin)
target_address = 'your_target_address_here'  # e.g., ''

# Set the amount of Bitcoin you want to send (in satoshis)
amount_to_send = 5000  # e.g., 5000 satoshis = 0.00005 BTC

# Get the current account balance (in satoshis)
balance = getbalance(priv_key)

# Get the UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) for the given private key
utxos = list_unspent(priv_key)

# Calculate the total input value and change amount
total_input_value = sum([utxo['amount'] for utxo in utxos])
change_amount = total_input_value - amount_to_send - 1000  # Subtract the miner's fee (1000 satoshis)

# Create a transaction dictionary
tx = {
    'version': 1,
    'locktime': 0,
    'vin': [],
    'vout': []

# Add inputs to the transaction
for utxo in utxos:
        'txid': utxo['txid'],
        'vout': utxo['vout'],
        'scriptSig': {
            'asm': ' '.join(['OP_0'] + [private_key_hex])
        'sequence': 0xffffffff

# Add outputs to the transaction
    'value': amount_to_send,
    'n': 0,
    'scriptPubKey': {
        'asm': 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ' + encode_pubkey(pubtoaddr(privtoaddr(priv_key))) + ' OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG',
        'hex': '76a914' + encode_pubkey(pubtoaddr(privtoaddr(priv_key))) + '88ac'

# Add the change output if there's any change
if change_amount > 0:
        'value': change_amount,
        'n': 1,
        'scriptPubKey': {
            'asm': 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ' + encode_pubkey(pubtoaddr(privtoaddr(priv_key))) + ' OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG',
            'hex': '76a914' + encode_pubkey(pubtoaddr(privtoaddr(priv_key))) + '88ac'

# Sign the transaction
for i in range(len(tx['vin'])):
    tx['vin'][i]['scriptSig']['hex'] = sign(sha256(sha256(hexlify(bytes_to_bytearray(serialize(tx))))), private_key_hex)

# Serialize the transaction
raw_tx = serialize(tx)

# Print the raw transaction
print('Raw Transaction:', raw_tx)

Replace 'your_private_key_here' with your own private key in WIF format, and `’your_target_