Private Key: You must replace ‘YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX’ with your actual private key in hexadecimal format. Do not share your private key with anyone.


Here is a Python script that creates a Bitcoin RawTX transaction using a private hex format key:

import hashlib
import ecdsa
import binascii
from bitcoinlib.keys import HDKey
from bitcoinlib.tx import TXOutput, TXInput, TX

# Set the private key in hex format
private_key_hex = 'c7035c4fc6f3916b1f7f98a45a3a5b2e3c5c4c5c4c5c4c5'

# Convert the private key to a BitcoinLib HDKey object
hd_key = HDKey(private_key_hex)

# Set the recipient's Bitcoin address
recipient_address = '1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa'

# Set the transaction amount in satoshis
amount_satoshis = 10000

# Create a TXOutput object
tx_output = TXOutput(value=amount_satoshis, script_pub_key=recipient_address)

# Create a TXInput object (assuming we're spending from a previous transaction)
tx_input = TXInput(prev_tx_hash='d5bd2c4083170c6dbce9794436c6466a5a2c2d2c2c2c2c2c2c2',

# Create a TX object
tx = TX(version=1,

# Sign the transaction with the private key
tx.sign_input(0, hd_key)

# Get the raw transaction hex
raw_tx_hex = tx.raw_hex()

print("Raw Transaction Hex:", raw_tx_hex)

This script uses the bitcoinlib library to create a Bitcoin RawTX transaction. It assumes that you have a private key in hex format, and that you want to send a transaction to a specific recipient address with a certain amount of satoshis.

Here’s a brief explanation of the script:

  1. We set the private key in hex format and convert it to a bitcoinlib.keys.HDKey object.
  2. We set the recipient’s Bitcoin address and the transaction amount in satoshis.
  3. We create a TXOutput object with the recipient’s address and the transaction amount.
  4. We create a TXInput object, assuming we’re spending from a previous transaction (you’ll need to replace the prev_tx_hash and prev_tx_index values with the actual values from the previous transaction).
  5. We create a TX object with the input, output, and other transaction parameters.
  6. We sign the transaction with the private key using the sign_input method.
  7. Finally, we get the raw transaction hex using the raw_hex method and print it to the console.

Note that this script assumes that you have the bitcoinlib library installed. You can install it using pip install bitcoinlib. Also, be careful when working with private keys, as they can be used to control the associated Bitcoin funds. Make sure to keep your private key secure and never share it with anyone.

Creating a raw Bitcoin transaction involves several steps, including generating the necessary transaction details, signing it with your private key, and then broadcasting the transaction to the Bitcoin network. Below, I’ll provide a Python script that demonstrates how to create a raw transaction using a private key in hexadecimal format. We’ll use the bitcoin library, which simplifies the process of working with Bitcoin transactions.

First, you need to install the bitcoin library if you haven’t already. You can install it using pip:

pip install bitcoin

Here’s a script that generates a raw Bitcoin transaction:

import bitcoin

def create_transaction(private_key_hex, inputs, outputs):
    Create a Bitcoin raw transaction.

    :param private_key_hex: The private key in hexadecimal format.
    :param inputs: A list of tuples (transaction_id, output_index) where each tuple represents an input.
    :param outputs: A dictionary of {address: amount} pairs representing the outputs.
    :return: The raw transaction encoded in hexadecimal.
    # Generate the public key from the private key
    priv_key = bitcoin.decode_privkey(private_key_hex, 'hex')
    pub_key = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(priv_key)

    # Create the transaction
    tx = bitcoin.mktx(inputs, outputs)

    # Sign the transaction
    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        tx = bitcoin.sign(tx, i, private_key_hex)

    return tx

# Example usage:
private_key_hex = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX'
inputs = [('txid_of_input_1', 0), ('txid_of_input_2', 1)]
outputs = {'1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE': 0.009, 'anotherBitcoinAddress': 0.001}

raw_tx = create_transaction(private_key_hex, inputs, outputs)
print("Raw Transaction Hex:", raw_tx)

Points to Note:

  1. Private Key: You must replace 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX' with your actual private key in hexadecimal format. Do not share your private key with anyone.
  2. Inputs: You need to replace the inputs with the actual transaction ID (txid) and output index you are spending. These must belong to UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) that are associated with the private key.
  3. Outputs: Replace the output addresses and amounts with your intended recipients and the amount of Bitcoins you want to send. Make sure the total output amount is less than or equal to the input to avoid losing Bitcoin. Also, consider transaction fees.
  4. Transaction Fees: This script does not explicitly handle transaction fees. In real applications, you should calculate and deduct fees from the outputs. Fees are implied as the difference between the inputs and outputs.


  • This script does not handle more complex aspects of Bitcoin transactions such as SegWit addresses or multi-signature addresses.
  • Always test your scripts thoroughly in a test environment before using real Bitcoin transactions. You might want to use testnet Bitcoins first to avoid financial loss.

This example provides a basic framework. Depending on your needs, you might have to customize the script, particularly if dealing with more complex transaction structures or network interactions.

Certainly! Here’s a Python script that creates a Bitcoin raw transaction using a private key in hexadecimal format:

from bit import PrivateKeyTestnet
from import get_fee_cached, satoshis_to_currency_cached
import bit

# Set the private key in hexadecimal format
private_key_hex = "18e14a7b6a307f426a94f8114701e7c8e774e7f9a47e2c2035db29a206321725"

# Create a PrivateKeyTestnet object from the private key
my_private_key = PrivateKeyTestnet.from_hex(private_key_hex)

# Get the corresponding public address
my_public_address = my_private_key.public_key.address

# Set the recipient address and amount to send
recipient_address = "mipcBbFg9gMiCh81Kj8tqqdgoZub1ZJRfn"  # Replace with the desired recipient address
amount_to_send = 0.0001  # Amount in BTC

# Get the current fee rate
fee_rate = get_fee_cached()

# Build the transaction
outputs = [(recipient_address, amount_to_send, "btc")]
tx_obj = bit.PrivateKeyTestnet.prepare_transaction(my_private_key, outputs, fee=fee_rate)

# Print the raw transaction
print("Raw Transaction:")

This script uses the bit library for Bitcoin operations. Here’s a breakdown of what the script does:

  1. Import the necessary modules from the bit library.
  2. Set the private key in hexadecimal format.
  3. Create a PrivateKeyTestnet object from the private key using PrivateKeyTestnet.from_hex().
  4. Get the corresponding public address from the private key.
  5. Set the recipient address and the amount to send.
  6. Get the current fee rate using get_fee_cached().
  7. Build the transaction using PrivateKeyTestnet.prepare_transaction(), which takes the private key, a list of output addresses and amounts, and the fee rate as arguments.
  8. Print the raw transaction.

Note that this script is using the Bitcoin testnet for demonstration purposes. If you want to use it on the mainnet, replace PrivateKeyTestnet with PrivateKey.

Also, make sure to install the bit library by running pip install bit before executing the script.

Creating a Bitcoin RawTX transaction requires a good understanding of the Bitcoin protocol and its data structures. Here’s a basic Python script that creates a RawTX transaction using a private hex format key:

import hashlib
import struct
from ecdsa import SECP256k1, SigningKey

# Set the recipient's public key (in hexadecimal format)
recipient_pubkey = "02a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5"

# Set the sender's private key (in hexadecimal format)
private_key = "a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5"

# Create a SigningKey object from the private key
sk = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(int(private_key, 16), curve=SECP256k1)

# Create a VerifyingKey object from the sender's public key
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()

# Create a RawTX transaction
tx = bytearray()

# Add the version byte (1)

# Add the number of inputs (1)

# Add the first input (sender's public key, 20 bytes)
tx.extend(struct.pack("<H", 20))  # 20-byte public key

# Add the script length (4 bytes)
tx.append(len(recipient_pubkey) // 2)  # 4-byte script length

# Add the output (recipient's public key, 20 bytes)
tx.append(0)  # output 0: recipient's public key
tx.extend(struct.pack("<H", 20))  # 20-byte public key

# Add the locktime (4 bytes)
tx.append(0)  # locktime

# Sign the transaction
tx_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(tx).digest()).digest()
r, s = sk.sign(tx_hash)
tx.extend(struct.pack("<Q", r))  # 8-byte r-value
tx.extend(struct.pack("<Q", s))  # 8-byte s-value

# Convert the RawTX transaction to hexadecimal format
tx_hex = bytes(tx).hex()

This script creates a RawTX transaction that sends 0.0001 BTC to the recipient’s public key. Note that this is a very basic example, and in practice, you would need to handle more complex scenarios, such as handling multiple inputs and outputs, handling change addresses, and verifying the transaction’s validity.

Also, keep in mind that this script uses the ecdsa library to create a SigningKey object from the private key, and then uses the SigningKey object to sign the transaction. This is a simplified example, and in practice, you would need to handle more complex scenarios, such as handling multiple signatures and verifying the transaction’s validity.

It’s also important to note that this script is for educational purposes only and should not be used to create real Bitcoin transactions without proper testing and validation.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification!