Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

Hacking bitcoin wallets using Seed.

How Seed bitcoin bruteforce works

The application works cyclically.
 generates the number of Seeds you specify
 receives a master key from each
 receives 3 types of addresses from the master key
 checks them for balance/presence of transactions
 reports the result, starts a new cycle.

All you have to do is install the program. Select a work option (language) and wait for the result. Everything else is done automatically.

Now in more detail:

1) Generation:
Seed phrases are generated automatically according to the BIP-39 standard. Seed-phrase is not just a set of 12 words. They are selected using a specific, complex algorithm and must match the checksum.

In Seed bitcoin bruteforce you can set the generator language and the number of phrases. The program generates a seed in four languages, your choice
– English
– French
– Japanese
– Spanish
– random (each new phrase from the set will be in one of the above languages)

There can be several thousand or millions of phrases in one cycle. Optional.

The generation result is saved in a text file, where you can take any generated phrase and make sure that it really complies with the standard and is accepted by Bitcoin wallets as a seed. Seed bitcoin bruteforce

also allows you to use your own ready-made Seed lists. 2) Master key calculation: One master key is calculated from each phrase by processing it with a special function. This is the key that gives any Bitcoin wallet access to a certain section of the blockchain containing about 4 billion addresses. It is these addresses that the wallet then gives you strictly one by one when you create a new address in it. 3) Obtaining addresses: From each Seed bitcoin master key, bruteforce receives its addresses with keys to them. For each type of address, Seed Brut generates two branches: “main” and “for change”. Seed bitcoin bruteforce has a test mode where you can enter a seed phrase and make sure that the addresses received by the program fully correspond to those issued by Electrum or any other wallet when you enter this Seed. 4) Address verification: Obviously, it is physically impossible to check 4 billion addresses for each phrase. Yes and there is no need. The vast majority of users have been using only the first ten wallets issued upon first launch for years

Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

It is at this point that we reduce the huge size of Seed entropy and actually check 4,000,000,000 addresses with each clock cycle.
You can also set this depth as you wish.
There are 2 options for checking
– by the presence of transactions at the address
– by balance.

The basic version of Seed bitcoin bruteforce checks by balance. Can be configured to search by transaction. Details in the program instructions.

In any case, the program does not require an Internet connection to check addresses. You will not need any proxy or VPN pages. The provider will not have any claims against you. The program is completely local.

4) Result:
By default, Seed bitcoin bruteforce reports the result in the chat and writes what it finds to a file.
If you wish, in Seed bitcoin bruteforce you can activate sending a message to yourself in telegram and/or email.

5)Technical support:
-all the necessary details about setting up and launching Seed bitcoin brutforce are described in detail in the instructions, with a video, that comes with the program.
-in telegram, almost around the clock, I answer any questions on the topic, I can also introduce small edits, new ideas, or settings for you for free.
All new versions of the program will be sent to all customers free of charge as they are written.

The speed of operation is from 4-7 pieces of Seed-phrase per each thread of your processor per second, depending on the frequency of the cores. Accordingly, if your processor has 32 cores, multiply by 32. For example, on a machine with an AMD EPYC™ 7502P processor, the speed is 570-600 seeds per second.
The load on the processor is regulated and can work in the background without interfering with anything.

Bonus: The second option for Seed bitcoin bruteforce is the direct generation of Bitcoin addresses with keys, and then checking their balance. Operating speed ~2500 addresses per second per processor core.

Seed bitcoin bruteforce
+ all subsequent updates
+ technical support
is sold for only $100

Updates and wishes are finalized free of charge for all buyers.
contact me via telegram: @KirNakamotovich
via the link:

__________________ Attention! New!_____________________

Premium version for crypto search pros!

An option for searching by Seed has been compiled specifically for the
Electrum wallet. In addition to the already existing functionality described above, the brute can generate a choice of all 4 types of phrases
“old”, “segwit”, “Standart”, “BIP-39”
and takes into account the specific prefix of phrases depending on the version of the wallet.
Due to the more complex algorithm, seed generation takes longer.

Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

Seed Bitcoin Bruteforce

the cost of this option for a pro is $200

Useful information for enthusiasts:

Contact me via Telegram: @ExploitDarlenePRO

via the link: